Sexual harassment is one of the most common labor violations in the office. While sexual harassment is often misinterpreted strictly as offensive sexual behavior directed towards another person, it can also be any verbal or physical conduct that is sexually hostile.
According to the U.S. Supreme Court, there are two kinds of sexual harassment in the workplace: Trading sexual favors for employment and benefits (this-for-that) and/or a hostile work environment. In the former, this can only be committed by a superior if the employee is subjected to unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors in exchange for benefits at work or even continued security. The latter, which is a sexually hostile work environment, is any severe and pervasive behavior or conduct that is sexually offensive (ie leaving inappropriate literature in common areas, use of explicit and sexually graphic pictures or words). The employee MUST know that he or she does not have to put up with this conduct and that legal remedies may be available.
If You Or A Loved One Has Been Subjected To Sexual Harassment, We May Be Able To Help.
Sexual harassment on the job and at the workplace is becoming a common concern. People at the job may have to deal with unwanted sexual conduct at work, or they may have to put up with dirty jokes, propositions, sexual banter and even pornography. If you have been a victim of sexual harassment at the job or outside, you can file a legal claim for sexual harassment. Attorneys at Nordstrom, Steele, Nicolette and Blythe understand that a victim may be dealing with unwanted physical or verbal sexual advances. Our lawyers also understand the sensitivity of the issue and can help you file a sexual harassment claim while protecting your dignity. Let us help you get out of this hostile environment. Call us today at (760) 852-7134 to speak to a sexual harassment attorney in California .